Multiple Google Shopping Feeds

Google Shopping, Facebook, Instagram,, Klaviyo, Pinterest, Bing

500+ reviews

Free plan available. 7-day free trial.

Google Shopping, Facebook feed

Google feed, Facebook Catalog,, Bing Shopping, Pinterest, Klaviyo, etc. Support API feeds and all file formats (XML, TSV, CSV)

Multi language/currency feeds

Create multi-currency and multilingual (translated) feeds. Support multiple TLDs (top level domains) of internationalized Shopify stores

Collection/rule based settings

Create high quality feeds by setting feed data (category, gender, etc) based on collection or product data (e.g “title has a specific word”)

About Multiple Google Shopping Feeds

What the app provide a Shopify store with

The app creates high quality product feeds from the product data in Shopify, allowing access to all important feed settings while keeping the process simple enough to be completed within minutes.

Users can create multiple product feeds, include different product groups, targeting different ads platforms including Google Shopping,, Facebook Product Ads, Bing Shopping, Pinterest and more.

Users targeting Google Shopping can optionally connect a Google Account, which will authenticate the app to automatically upload feeds to Google Shopping, synchronize products via Google Content API, register product feeds and create and manage Google Ads campaigns.

To learn how the app accesses, uses, stores, or shares user data, including Google data, please read the app’s Privacy Policy.

Limited Use disclosure

The app’s use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Google feed and more
  • Google Shopping: create multiple Google Shopping Feeds and Smart Shopping campaigns. Support Primary, Local inventory, Supplemental and Product reviews (Shopify Product Reviews, feeds.
  • Facebook & Instagram: primary, Language & Country feeds
  • both Products and Offers feeds
  • Klaviyo feeds
  • Bing Shopping
  • Pinterest
  • Custom feeds for even more market places
Go cross border with multilingual, multi-currency and international pricing feeds
  • Multilingual: supports GTranslate, Langify, LangShop, Weglot, MultiLingo, Translate My Store, etc.
  • Multi-currency: Shopify or custom rates
  • Multiple domains
  • Shopify international pricing (price list)
Fully customizable feed data
  • Math expressions (tax ,custom price)
  • Latest feed attributes: monthly installments, unit price, etc.
  • Support Local ads & free local listings
  • Custom feed image for better conversion
  • Custom title and description for better SEO
Synchronize shipping/tax settings from Shopify

Your sophisticated shipping cost structure can be synchronized with Google Merchant Center settings and/or included in the feeds, so you can advertise shipping/tax exactly as it is in your store, avoid Google disapproval and loss of customers or profit due to incorrect shipping. Support Custom shipping profiles and Advanced Shipping Rules app.

Easy products grouping based on Shopify collections

Select collections to be included/excluded in feeds and get charged for only the number of products included. Optionally set feed settings (category, age group, gender, custom labels, promotion, shipping, etc) per collections. Quickly rule out the disapproved products by using exclude collections.

Rule-based feed configuration

Rule-based settings give even more flexibility. Set the Google category to “Shirts & Tops” if the product title includes the word “shirt” and set it to “Shoes” if it includes the word “shoe”.

Variants filters

Choose variants to be included in feeds by options or metafields. This means you can feed multi-pricing portfolios (e.g. created by Multi Country Pricing app) to the right country.

Full options of feed formats

Support file feeds (CSV, TSV and XML) and API feeds.

Robust feed builder

Feed configurations for ads platforms can be overwhelming. The wizard-based feed builder help you browse through sophisticated feed data settings and focus on the important ones.

Feed updates

Content API feeds update instantly after product changes (price, stock, etc). File feeds can be scheduled at specific times of day. More frequent updates available at additional cost.

Google Shopping expert support

The app is developed with expertise in Google Shopping and ads platforms. Beyond product feeds – we help you create successful marketing campaigns.

Integrates with

Google Shopping
Google Ads
Facebook Catalog


7-day free trial



Unlimited orders/variants/countries

10 products

Rule/collection based setting

Content API, XML, TSV, CSV

Automatic/scheduled sync




All FREE features plus

1000 products

2 feeds/Google Ads smart campaigns



Multi-schedule runs 



All BOUTIQUE features plus

10000 products

6 feeds/Google Ads smart campaigns

Personal feed setup assistance 



All BUSINESS features plus

Unlimited products

Unlimited feeds/Google Ads smart campaigns

VIP support with feed approval/optimization assistance

* All charges are billed in USD.
** Recurring charges, including monthly or usage-based charges, are billed every 30 days.

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